Saturday, November 14, 2015

A Sweater for Sandy

I noticed, after Sandy's recent haircut, that she's been a bit cold and shivery.  I saw a dog jacket/blanket advertised on Facebook, so I took the idea and ran with it.  I thought this red fleece fabric with black paw prints on it was fitting.  I put hours into this project.  Sandy was snoozy when I was working on this; I woke her up several times to check the fit.  In the end, the fit is pretty good. There are Velcro straps in the tummy area to keep the blanket secure. Turns out, Sandy wants nothing to do with wearing this.  Can you tell by the look on her face?  Nope, not liking this one bit!

I decided to try it on Brutus just for giggles but he does not need a blanket. He's a hot blooded little boy.  It was snugger on him since he's nearly 10 pounds bigger than Sandy.  Brutus liked the jacket even less.  This boy loves to chase a ball.  I threw the ball.  NOTHIN'!  He wouldn't budge.  It was actually pretty funny.

Oh well. Some projects are just like that I guess.

1 comment:

affectioknit said...

what a sweetie!

~Have a lovely day!