Sunday, August 4, 2013

Visiting Oregon: Tualatin Hills Nature Park

My family moved from California to Oregon in 1977, just after I turned nine years old. We always called these woods "Saint Mary's Woods" but now the area is called "Tualatin Hills Nature Park". When I was young we rarely ventured into the woods, as there were no paths.  I do remember walking in the wools twice  with my fifth and sixth grade classes. The woods are very near to the grade school I attended. When I go and visit my parents in Oregon, I try to go for walks in the woods first thing in the morning. So beautiful and so peaceful and so vastly different than the high mountain desert landscape here in Southern Colorado. I had a bad case of "Kodak Fever" but I so wanted to capture this scenic beauty. 

Walking in the woods in Oregon..

Took this photo of a slug for my mom because I know how much she likes slugs... NOT!!!

I am thinking this is some serious fungus. 

You can see the fungus growing on the side of the stump (above). It's on the side of the stump on the right. 

The photo above is my favorite. 


Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Growing up in Corvallis, the woods were very similar... The area in northern AZ where i live now is so different.
There really is nothing like an Oregon forest. Especially in the summer months.

K2 said...

Remember camping in your parents backyard tree fort to watch the meteor shower? It's happening again tonight and I thought of the fun we had!
Miss you!