Easter brings back fond memories for me. Really, all holidays do. My mom always made holidays extra special. I will always say my mom made the BEST Christmas stockings and the BEST Easter baskets. Always a chocolate bunny and always a stuffed plush toy... a duck, a bunny... in fact I still have one. Meet Chuck Duck. As you can see he is well loved. He plays a lullaby if you wind him up.
Chuck Duck |
I have lots of memories of our entire family of five sitting around the dining room table decorating eggs. I remember still decorating eggs as a teenager. Mmmmm, I can smell the vinegar in the dye. On Easter morning, we had traditional Easter Egg Hunts and I can just just about smell the bright green, dew covered grass and flower blossoms on apple and plum trees. I can picture some old family photos of me and my sister posing in our matching Easter dresses, sewn by our mom. Throughout the day on Easter, when ever someone wanted to eat a hard boiled egg, one family member would challenge another family to a war or duel. You face off with your opponent, each with an egg firmly in your hand, and aggressively tap your egg against your opponent's egg, and if you egg shell stayed intact... well then... you were the "winner".
One of my very favorite Easter Holidays was a weekend where we knew we were going to be away for the holiday. My parents put me on the telephone with the "Easter Bunny" so we could tell him we would be gone for Easter. We asked him to come to our home a week early and he did! (Turns out the Easter Bunny was our neighbor Tom). On Easter Weekend, our family went snow skiing (we lived in California at the time). I was the youngest in our family so while others were skiing, I went to day care. For Easter, the kids in day care were piled into the back of a snow cat... you know, like a tractor used to groom the ski slopes... I remember it being like the back of a pick up truck... like a hay ride in the snow. We were taken up the mountain to a grove of pine trees where we hunted for eggs in the snow. When we went to the ski slopes in California, it was always sunny and pretty. Yes, that is my favorite Easter memory indeed.
I hope you had a nice Easter Holiday. This year, my husband and son have spent a bit of time driving to and from tennis matches about 1 1/2 hours away from our house... Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday afternoon, which has given me considerable time to work on a few knitting projects. Here's a sneak peek...
A pattern called "Striped Infinity Scarf" knit up in Zauberball sock yarn in the colorway: "Durch die Blumen"English Translation: Through the Flowers |
A small cotton blanket called "Serenity"